Masjid Perahu, Jakarta Selatan : Tinjauan Sejarah dan Wisata Religi (1998-2010)

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Alfiyyah Nur Khasanah
Sulasman Sulasman
Fathia Lestari


This paper contains history and also religious tour of the great mosque of Al-Munada Darussalam Baiturrahman in South Jakarta. In the Chronicles of the great mosque of Al-Munada Darussalam Baiturrahman stood in 1963 that was erected by KH. Qosim Abdurrahman Mashum and KH. Amen Abdurrahman. In the study the method of writing history goes through the four stages of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and histroriography. The great mosque of Al-Munada Darussalam Baiturrahman is also commonly known as the boat mosque, so it is said that makes the boat mosque a religious tour.

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Aryo (Pengurus Masjid) 10 November 2021
Mahmud (Imam Masjid) 18 November 2019
Mulyono (Pengurus Masjid) 10 November 2021